Free Templates For Freelancers
One of the surest ways to keep your freelance business constant is to have systems in place.
You can use templates to prospect, manage, and keep track of your existing clients and projects.
You can build or adapt a system to manage your current workflow, automate some of the tasks to free time, and allow you to concentrate on your core, income-generating activities.
Assignments, Invoices & Incomes Tracker Spreadsheet Template for Apple Numbers
This is a free spreadsheet template for Apple Numbers, to help you keeping track of your past and future invoices and clients payments. The template is set in €, although you can change the currency in Numbers. It has a 21% VAT column which you can customize to your country’s percentage, remove or set to 0% if VAT doesn’t apply. The net earning column, again a percentage you can adjust, gives you an idea of your actual earnings after taxes. Check with your accountant which percentage best applies to your situation. Add or remove rows as you see fit. The template covers a full year, starting in 2020.
You can easily change the VAT percentage, set to 21% by default.
I want this Apple Numbers template!
Client Listing spreadsheet for Apple Numbers
The second Apple Numbers template is a free spreadsheet template to help you keep track of contacts and prospective clients. The first column is for your contact’s name, then its title. The fourth column is for the company industry field, say animation or publishing. Addresses, emails, phone and web details all have a column of their own. You can see at a glance if you have already worked together or if this is a new, potential client, when you contacted them, with a follow-up column and your response plan. Last, a column for notes. This template is useful for contractors who need keeping track of many prospects and contacts, i.e., illustrators.
Invoice templates for Apple Pages
Invoicing your work is essential for your freelancing career. You can use one of these free Apple Pages invoices templates to get started.
I want this European (€) invoice template!
I want this US ($ / USD) invoice template!
Late payment reminder templates
Late payment sucks, get this set of fun past due notice templates to the rescue!
Originally published at on January 20, 2020.